Monday, April 20, 2009

Internet Income...

Over the recent weekend, I stumbled upon some websites with programs to help you suppliment income via the internet. This can be done through trading, completing surveys and other methods. As I kept on reading, this idea intrigued me more and more. This was truely a remarkable find and the websites really changed my perception of how money was made on the internet.

On the right of the page are some of the pages which I was looking through over the weekend. Most of them have significantly changed how I view things and had a direct impact on what I will be doing in the near future.

Many of the pages viewed are typically greeted with much sceptism. Trading robots? Surveys? Self help books? Do they really work? Well, let me put it this way, these things work depending on how much you learn. Everything we do requires effort. Ever since young when we have studied in school, we learn. Then we progress to College and we learn even more. And when we eventually find ourselves in the workforce, we apply as much as we have learnt in our jobs. Similarly, any of these programs require reading and dedication to succeed. One might not even be successful on the first try even if you follow all the steps. HOWEVER, these programs have succeeded for some people and may also help you to succeed. As in your day jobs, if it fails the first time, try again. How much loss will there be? But, if one does not put effort into these programs, it is definate that the programs are doomed to fail.

For instance, if one plans to use surveys to suppliment income. However, after reading the methods, one does not follow the steps diligently or only applies the steps every 3-4 times a week, I am sure that the success rate will differ from someone who bothers to follow all the steps in the program 7 days a week.

I am truely intrigued that so many people have found ways to remove themselves from the vicious rat race of the corporate world and have found simplier ways to make money. Some of the programs promise more returns than others but all in all, these programs actually find easier ways to make money in general. At your own time and in the comfort of your own home. The marvellous thing about these programs are that they cost only a small fee for the program, book or cds. After thinking about how much I have spent on the lottery or in casinos trying to strike it rich. Or how much money I have spent on beer or wine. The programs cost an insignificant amount for the possibility of an easier life.

I have decided to look seriously into these methods for my next steps forward.

Low cost.
Possibility of high returns.
Home based.
Not necessary to be on the computer to make money all the time.
Online income can be earned even on vacation as long as there is internet connection.

Disappointment. Effort needs to be spent on the programs. If one hopes that the programs will just give away free money, one is seriously mistaken.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha! I just read your blog post and see where you're coming from. There are many businesses that you can do from home and I believe the one that resonates the most with you is the one to go for. I never would have thought that I would have my own business online with no rent or anything to pay for, I would have looked at you like you were crazy! But the actually came to me quite easily, and it made sense.

    The business that I decided to go with has some unique points to it, and I most definitely like the compensation plan. If you are down, I would love for you to look at what it is I have to offer ( ) and see if this is something that resonates with you. If it does, drop me a line. And if it looks like you might not dig it, then please pass my url on to someone else who may be looking for a "way out."

    I hope you find the career you're looking for!
