Sunday, March 15, 2009

Losing Out to Others...

After graduating from College at 25, I have a handful of peers who enter the workforce along with I. And after almost 3 years of employment, my peers and I have advanced almost equally in jobs within the same industry. One of my concerns was that by leaving my job, I would not be able to compete with my peers and that I would be set back due to my adventure. I gave myself 2 years to find what I was looking for. Should I fail to find what I seek, I promised myself to return to the workforce and join the rest of the people carving out the life which most people live. However, this 2 years would put me behind the rest of my friends as they would have advanced the corporate ladder without me.

After much consideration, I came to a simple conclusion...
1) I would only lose out to my peers IF I failed. Should I succeed in my endeavor, I would be much happier and contented with my life. By thinking that I would fall behind my peers, I had already believed that I would fail after my 2 years. As such, I told myself that within these 2 years, I HAD TO SUCCEED!!!

2) And even IF I did fail, I would be about 30 years old. I would enter the workforce again and 20 years later, when we all are 50, we would all still have the same things. (i.e. A home, a family, probably a car, kids, etc.) And so I thought to myself. Does this 2 years really make that much of a difference? Compared to the length of your life, 2 years should be insignificant as an investment to find out what you were born to do.

Thus, I realised. That comparing with people is never reasonable. There will always be others better and others worse. In the end, life is still life, when you/I have reached >50, I think everything will all be the same and what is important is, "Have you tried?" and "Have you lived a fulfilling life?" I want to answer a big YES to both those questions.

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