Monday, March 9, 2009

Taking the step... Leaving without a job...

Ever feel bored and restless at your job?

I have... And recently, in the midst of the current Global Financial Crisis, I decided to leave my job in search of greener pastures without another job offering. Admittedly, my job was quite well paying and provided much other benefits such as medical and good annual leave. Why, then, would I decide to leave, you would wonder.

Well, if the day comes that you have to drag yourself out of bed everyday, then I believe, it is about time to leave. "But why without another job?!", you would probably ask again. My answer to this is. If you look for a job, you will only find a job. I have heard many of my friends say, "I'm only working for the money." As such, they, and even I previously, treat what we do as... Only a job. What I hope to achieve in the next few years is to find something which will enable me to make a reasonable living with reasonable effort, do it with a smile on my face and do it in my own time.

Idealistic? Maybe. But at least I'm going to try.

The rest of this blog will describe the thoughts I have pondered before leaving, the options I have considered for myself, also the possibility of success and other points I have considered.

I hope this blog and myself will serve as an inspiration to all those who are currently not enjoying their employment but do not have the confidence of taking the step and moving out of their comfort zone. And through my experiences, I hope that people will be able to realise that the only thing stopping them, are themselves.

P.S. To those who say that you do not know what you want to do for a living, and why not wait til you find out before you take the leap, my answer to that is. You have worked for sometime, and that has not given you the answers. If you look for something in the same place all the time and you cannot find what you are looking for, I think you are looking in the wrong place.

If you are an auditor who does not like long working hours and tough clients, moving to another audit firm won't help you find your calling. However, many people fear moving out of their current industry to find something which truely calls out to them. My advice is, leaving your job is not the end of the world. It depends on what you are willing to settle for. There are many jobs out there, in banks, accounting firms, restaurents, manufacturing, teaching, service, etc. It only depends on whether YOU are willing to do them.

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